The Transformation of Amy Belanger

Today, we have the inspiring story of Amy Belanger.


Spending most of my adult life addicted to one drug or another, into witchcraft, occult, and newage healing, nothing would stop the pain I had lived with since I was a child. It only got worse. At the age of 38, I lost everything—my family, my home, and my three children. At that point, I knew my life was out of control, and there was nothing I could do on my own to get out of it.

Then I found Jesus and realized I could never do it on my own. He completely changed my life. Like Naomi and Ruth, I found a father who loved me and was always there for me. I never had to do anything alone. I found my true family coming to Shekinah, brothers and sisters who showed the love of Christ to each other. I also met the man God chose to be my husband. Thank you, Jesus.

What motivated me to share my story with others?

Revelation 12:11 says, "And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony." If I can save one soul by telling others my story, then I am doing what I am called to do by the Lord. There was a time when I was in a very dark place, and I prayed that I could find a way out. God gave me a way by bringing me to Naomi and Ruth. I pray that someone hearing or reading my story knows they are not alone, that they are loved, and they don't have to stay where they are. I thank God for Naomi and Ruth and Shekinah for all they are doing for me and so many others. May the Lord bless you.


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